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Lebanon-Laclede County Library

Access eBooks & Audiobooks

How to access eBooks and Audiobooks

What is an eBook?

An eBook is a book presented in a format which allows it to be read on a computer or smart device such as a tablet or iPhone. 

Why read an eBook?

  • Accessible Everywhere: Many books can be downloaded on a single device, making it easy to carry around and taking up less space. And books can be downloaded from anywhere, meaning you do not have to leave your home to get a new book.
  • Accessibility Options: Most reading apps allow for increased font size, changing of the font style, and read-aloud features. Digital book platforms also have a wider selection of audiobooks.
  • Interactive Elements: Reading apps also have features where you can highlight text, bookmark pages, take notes, and search for dictionary definitions. You can even search the text and use hyperlinks to access extra information.

Where do you get eBooks?

Missouri Libraries 2 Go

You can borrow eBooks and audiobooks from your library's Missouri Libraries 2 Go collection. You can read or listen to downloaded books through the free app Libby. This is a free app created by OverDrive and is available for Android, IOS and Windows 10 devices. You can even have eBooks delivered to a Kindle or Kindle App through Libby.

How to use Libby

EBSCO eBooks

You can also download and borrow eBooks through EBSCO to read on your computer or reader app. EBSCO eBooks also have the added feature of being able to download PDF versions of their available books.

How to get EBSCO eBooks