Lebanon-Laclede County Library

The Library Foundation Board

Board Member Title Term End
Emily Huckaby President 2025
Lisa Anthony Member 2024
Rebecca Todd Member 2024
Alfred Bick Member 2025
Aimee Hays Member 2026
Monica Allen Member 2026
Krissy Jackson Member 2025
Heather Officer Secretary 2026
Mariah Shepherd Member 2024
Greg Turner Member of Board of Trustees
Aaron Waterman Treasurer  2026
Ashley Lewis Member 2026
Jason Stapleton Member 2025
Tina Chaney Non Voting Member
Erica Semsch Non Voting Member

The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, exclusively for literary and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and particularly to solicit, receive, hold, and administer gifts, and to do such other lawful acts and undertake such other enterprises for literary and educational purposes for the support and benefit of the Lebanon-Laclede County Library District or closely allied causes.

Please let us know if you would like to learn more about remembering the LLC Public Library Foundation with a bequest in your will.

Fundraiser Events

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Upcoming Events
Adult Event: Mini Forest Scene Jul 27, 2024 11:00 AM (US/Central)
Monday Meet and Play Jul 29, 2024 10:00 AM (US/Central)
Adult Book Club: History for the Books Jul 29, 2024 06:00 PM (US/Central)
Wonders of Wildlife: End of Summer Party Jul 30, 2024 10:00 AM (US/Central)
Artsy Smartsy Jul 31, 2024 10:00 AM (US/Central)